Greetings from the New EK MoL

It was with much gratitude for the amazing work done by Mistress Sabina Lutrell that I assumed the office of East Kingdom MoL yesterday.

I am looking forward to working with all of you, and welcome any comments or suggestions that any of you have for making the office work for you and for the fighters and fencers of the East.

You can now download new copies of the forms from this website at your convenience. Updated versions of the rest of the forms (replacement auth. card, event report) will be available soon.  I encourage all MoLs and Marshals to destroy any existing blank authorization forms.

All new completed forms should be sent to:

PO Box 1168
Westbrook, ME 04098

As I stepped up, I left the office of Northern Regional MoL vacant and I am actively looking for volunteers or suggestions of people to approach for that position. The position of Central Region Deputy MoL is also vacant and I am actively recruiting for that position as well.

I am very pleased that THL Andreiko Eferiev has agreed to remain in his position as Deputy Kingdom Minister of Lists and am looking forward to working with him and the regional deputies to continue to uphold the excellent standard of service to the East set by my predecessor.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind all MoLs that annual reports are due.  You can file your annual report by filling out this form on the East Kingdom MoL website.

I am very grateful for the warm welcome that I have received so far from the martial and MoL communities.
Warm Regards,
Mylisant Grey, East Kingdom Minister of Lists