How to Become an MoL

From the MoL Handbook:

  1. An MOL-at-Large is defined as any MOL who is on the Kingdom roster of MOL’s, but who does not hold the office of Minister of Lists for any local group or Region.
  2. Anyone who wishes to be added to the Kingdom roster as an MOL at large must submit a written request, including the following information:
    1. The candidate’s 21st century name, local group, mailing address, and telephone number. The candidate’s SCA name and email address should also be included if available.
    2. Proof of membership for the candidate (a photocopy of their Pikestaff label or SCA membership card)
    3. A letter or brief resume from the candidate stating why s/he feels that s/he is qualified to be an MOL at large.
  3. The final decision as to whom to roster as an MOL at large rests solely with the Kingdom Officer. Generally, only candidates who have MOL experience will be rostered as an MOL at large, however the decisions will be made on a case -by case
    basis. Candidates who are judged as not qualified for the office will be notified by the Kingdom MOL that they have not been added to the Kingdom roster.
  4. Anyone who wishes to be an MOL at large, but whose local group of residence does not currently have an MOL, may be asked to instead to fill the office for their local group, provided the candidate is acceptable to the local group.
  5. MOL’s at large are subject to the same membership requirements and removal procedures as MOL’s for local groups, as outlined above.
  6. MOL’s at large will in all cases report directly to the Kingdom MOL or his/her Regional Deputies.